​Would this Large Board from 6 Other Towns

Govern the Barnard School Better than

Our Traditional Local Board?

Scroll Down to See Meeting Video

​​​​​​​Learn Before You Vote

​There will be an important vote in Barnard on Tuesday, December 10th. The ​question; Do Barnard voters want to voluntarily merge control and budgeting of Barnard Academy (our elementary school) with schools from 6 other towns and have minority representation on a multi-town governing board of 18 members?

​The video below is of the 18 member board at a meeting held in Killington on November 25th (a few are absent or late to the meeting). At this time, Barnard is only a member of this large board to provide representation for middle school and high school issues. In the video, you will see the 2 representatives from Barnard.  

However, on Tuesday December 10th, if Barnard votes to merge with schools from the other 6 towns, our 3 person local school board ​will no longer exist. Also, we will NOT vote on Barnard School budgets any longer. The 18 member board would takeover and control the ​governing of the Barnard School. ​​​

​...if Barnard votes to merge with schools from the other 6 towns, our 3 person local board from Barnard will no longer exist. ​

Also, we will NOT vote on a Barnard School budgets any longer.

​Once that vote is taken and the decision made, there is no going back. ​You can get a glimpse before the vote of the nature of the large board by viewing the video below.

​Because of the great importance of the decision by Barnard voters, 2 of our local board members have held ​several informational meetings. The second meeting was filmed and ​can be seen, here. ​There ​were a lot of questions and comments from Barnard residents at that meeting. You can see it all, here

Most importantly, be sure you understand what's going on and then go and vote on Tuesday, December 10th.

See the LIST of ​TOPICS below the video.
CLICK on a ​TOPIC and JUMP directly to that part of the video.
Below the video, where you see [BARNARD, Pamela] or [BARNARD, Bryce] 
​you can click on those to hear comments from our 2 Barnard representatives.​
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